There is also something that we fully trust. This is what is called “GOLDEN MILK”! The creators of the recipe say that all the ingredients in it are very useful, time-tested, and very healing.

My first elixir: “Golden Milk” melts cancer cells and guarantees longevity.

It has been known for centuries and is excellent for strengthening the immune system. If you want to boost your immune system, strengthen your bones, joints, and spine relieve arthritis, and in general, if you want to stay healthy, alternative medicine recommends that you prepare golden milk – an ancient Indian drink that guarantees health and longevity and even has the ability to melt cancer. Golden milk also helps with arthritis, has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive organs, increases sleep, and eliminates depression and fatigue.

Ingredients: • Water • Fresh milk – cow or goat / you can have soy as an alternative / • Almond oil • 50 grams of turmeric

Method of preparation: Pour a quarter of a glass of water into a suitable container, add 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric to it, which should be ground into retail. Boil for about 8 minutes. Turmeric has long been known to cure cancer and can be found in all well-stocked and healthy food stores.

Pour 1 cup milk and 2 tablespoons almond oil into a separate bowl. If you have an intolerance to cow’s milk, you can replace it with soy, or even almond. The milk should also boil. Then the two potions are mixed in one place and stirred vigorously until a golden color is obtained. To sweeten the mixture, you can add a spoonful of honey or brown sugar. The golden milk is drunk while still warm.

* Drink once a day for 3 months.