The United States is already the country most infected with Covid-19. According to the Johns Hopkins University, which updates the number of people infected and killed worldwide daily, the number of Americans infected with the virus is already close to 86,000.To date, there are 81 782 cases of Covid-19 in China, where the original outbreak was located. In Italy, they are 80 589.

Victims in the US can reach 81,000

As a result of complications caused by the coronavirus, 1000 people have died in the United States so far. This number is much lower than in China and Italy – with a similar number of infected. There is, however, an explanation for this: in recent days, the number of people infected in the US has risen sharply, with many more tests already underway. In addition, the epidemic in the US started later than in China and Italy.

The death toll in America is yet to grow. According to a study by the University of Washington, it could reach 81,000. Others say as many as 160,000. And others estimate the deaths will be about 38,000. there are about 400.

In recent days, Italy has recorded a tragic record – there are 8215 casualties of Covid-19, the second being Spain – with 4365 casualties, with 57 786 infected. And China ranks only third, with 3,169 deaths.