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France is testing a drug for coronavirus

Coronavirus drug tested successfully in France. French scientists report successful results in a clinical trial of a combination of two existing drugs – hydroxychloroquine and azithomycin – against the new coronavirus. The studies were published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.

In laboratory tests, the preparations showed activity against coronavirus and chloroquine was used as a recommended antiviral agent for the treatment of COVID 19 in China. More clinical studies are needed to use some of the drugs.

Financial Times:The authorities can be expected to introduce more restrictions

According to the Financial Times schedule, early introduction of full quarantine and restriction of movement of people can reduce deaths. In countries that have strictly restricted human movement and other measures, such as many tests, isolation, etc., the mortality curves are lower. The authorities can be expected to introduce more restrictions on the movement of people.

Mark Rutte: The Netherlands chooses group immunity to the coronavirus

The truth is that the coronavirus is among us and will remain among us for some time to come. The truth is that in the near future, a large proportion of the Dutch population will be infected with the virus, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands said in a statement to the nation.

There are three possible scenarios.

The first scenario is: maximum control of the virus. This means controlled distribution to the lowest risk groups. This is our chosen scenario.

Italian scientists: 99% of those who died from COVID-19 were with this feature

More than 99% of people who died of coronavirus infection in Italy had concomitant illnesses, the National Health Authority said, citing a study. In the last week, the number of deaths increased by 150%.
Health authorities are fighting the spread of the infection. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s government is considering whether to extend the country’s national blockade after early April, according to La Stampa, quoted by Bloomberg. , there are more than 31,500 confirmed cases.

Do you know what EP3172319A is and what it is to do with COVID 19

At Google’s directory for discoveries and patents, we find the full description of   the    Coronavirus  Abstract
The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non- structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.


Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), the aetiological agent of infectious bronchitis (IB), is a highly infectious and contagious pathogen of domestic fowl that replicates primarily in the respiratory tract but also in epithelial cells of the gut, kidney and oviduct. IBV is a member of the Order Nidovirales, Family Coronaviridae, Subfamily Coronavirinae and Genus Gammacoronavirus; genetically very similar coronaviruses cause disease in turkeys, guinea fowl and pheasants.

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